This site is for former pupils and staff of Wallasey Grammar School, Henry Meoles School, Oxley School and Wallasey School. All former Old Wallaseyans are invited to register their Email addresses with the Secretary of the Old Wallaseyans World Wide (His details appear on the Contact Us page). This will enable you to be informed of updates to the Newsletter and forthcoming events. IF YOU FORGET TO UPDATE HIM, SHOULD YOU CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS WE WILL LOSE CONTACT WITH YOU. If you are receiving reminders, you can safely assume that your contact details are registered.
News of yourselves, colleagues or information of interest to Old Wallaseyans can be sent by Email or post to the Newsletter Editor. His details are also on the Contact Us page.
Due to ill health Bob Bryans has been forced to resign as chairman of the OWWW. Changes in the officers of the OWWW will be announced asap. In the meantime Bob will deal with queries. His address is on the contacts page.